There are so many reasons to not camp in the fall....
Billy has soccer every Saturday
I can't take time off work
My uncle's goldfish has a birthday party from September 18th - October 9th
Tommy has Football Friday night
My family consumes 10 racks of ribs every Saturday because there's a bunch of 20-year-olds playing a game for a school I didn't attend, and I just can't miss it.
Jokes incoming so if you don't like a good laugh, please skip over...
Billy is 3 (or 6 or even 10, whatever) his soccer schedule doesn't need to rule your life. He can roll around and chase butterflies anywhere.
You can take time off work, work won't miss you, work doesn't love you. Do you know who does? Billy, and he wants to chase some butterflies somewhere other than the makeshift soccer field at the local park.
You don't even like your uncle's goldfish, he's a jerk, get out of that toxic relationship.
Sorry to be the bearer of news you won't like but you're 5'5" 120 lbs and your spouse is 5'8" and 150 pounds and neither of you can run a 40 in less than 6 seconds. Tommy isn't going pro, nor will he play in college (maybe he will be on flag football team in his 30s and rupture his achilles tendon because he didn't stretch). Sorry, someone has to be real.
What if I could convince Tums to make a pumpkin spiced Tums and they could call it auTums (stolen joke, but seriously Tums marketing team is failing) so your heartburn isn't so bad after your ribs feast? As for watching a game that makes you insufferable no matter the outcome, maybe chasing butterflies with Billy could do good for your soul.
Jokes aside, here are some real solutions and reasons why you should go camping in the fall...
There are many campgrounds from primitive to developed with full hookups (electricity, cable, etc). So, you can realistically go camping and still go to Billy's soccer game, Tommy's football game, eat copious amounts of food (some pumpkin spiced flavored) and watch your favorite team play.
Nature's change from summer to fall is something magical. Peak changing leaves are the weekend of September 28th but still great the weekend of the 21st and the 5th.
The weather is perfect and it's not you and a million of your closest friends like if you camped in July. If you don't like changing leaves you can head to Moab or St. George for redrock.
Still some availability for trailer and motorhome rentals.
It's hands down the best time of year to camp, so get on it and enjoy some nature while still living your life.

Thank you for reading, I hope you had a laugh or two, and I even more hope to help you make a great with you and your family/friends this fall or in the future!